Drama Teacher Course

This course provides a smooth and safe progression of 21 lessons - 90 minutes - in stage combat with swords for you and your students to follow, as well as additional notes and documents. This gives your students a solid and applicable foundation of concepts and drills in theatrical combat.

You can use this resource however you need: for one month, a semester, throughout the school year, or to prep for a production. The low subscription rate makes these lessons an affordable choice for teachers anywhere, and the integrated progress bar and lesson completion check list make it easy to track your progress. This course gives access to a higher standard of dramatic action no matter where you live.

These video lessons are not a full substitute for in-person instruction, but they do provide a solid addition to your curriculum, and can be used as a solid resource to supplement any other instruction.

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.